When it’s time to elevate our mastery, we grow and learn.

strategic planning workshops

When your team asks, "What's our strategic vision?" it's time to provide direction. A clear roadmap that connects the dots is crucial, outlining the future vision, how goals will be aligned, and the team’s role in making success a reality.

Strategic Planning Workshops are tailored to your vision and goals. You'll walk away with a concrete strategic plan, top-level goals, and an action plan. The workshop format facilitates collaboration with teams or thought partners to ensure alignment and a comprehensive approach across your business.

The Strategy Roadmap covers essential elements, including Vision, Mission, Values, Long-Term Strategic Objectives, Near-Term Goals, Action Plans with Accountability, and Executive Communication Plans.

In-person workshops last 2-3 days. Sessions can be integrated into an executive retreat or scheduled as smaller modules over several months for deeper analysis and integration.

FLEX – Frontline Leadership Excellence

Frontline Leadership Excellence Program: Empowering Frontline Leaders for Success

Program Overview: FLEX is a group program designed to empower frontline leaders and managers with the essential skills, behaviors, and mindset required to excel in today's work environments.

Program Structure: The FLEX program offers Level 101 and Level 201 courses. Each level blends best-practice content and tools with highly interactive exercises and real-world applications, ensuring practical learning and immediate impact.

Customization is Key: Course topics can be tailored to address specific business and team needs, guaranteeing relevance and effectiveness.

Optional Add-Ons - In addition to class content, the group programs can also include:

  • Leadership Reports: Individual leadership profile reports with group or private feedback sessions.

  • Cohort Group Coaching (Virtual): These sessions are designed to sustain momentum and accountability between classes, facilitating real-world discussions and practical application of learned practices. Participants can expect progress check-ins, practical conversations, and Q&A opportunities to ensure ongoing development.

  • Private Coaching (Virtual): Elevate your managers and leaders with one or more personalized coaching sessions designed to accelerate their leadership skills and address specific development needs.

Level 101 Course Topics - Build competencies in core skill areas:

  1. Leadership and Team Fundamentals

  2. Give and Receive Feedback

  3. Team Communication and “Connecting the Dots”

  4. Goal Setting and Accountability

  5. Manage and Develop a Team

  6. Time Management and Prioritization

  7. Effective One-on-One and Team Meetings

  8. Managing Change

  9. Foster Trust and Respect (not harassment training)

  10. Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace

  11. Strategic Hiring Practices

  12. And more

Level 201 Course Topics - Build upon 101 teachings and introduce advanced content:

  1. Adaptive Leadership Styles

  2. Long-Term Strategic Planning

  3. Prioritization and Decision Making

  4. Delegation Techniques and Accountability

  5. Stress Management Hacks

  6. Build Upward Relationships and Stakeholder Engagement

  7. Coaching and Mentoring Practices

  8. Understand Team Dynamics

  9. Support Career Development

  10. Manage Organizational Change and Team Morale

  11. Emotional Intelligence and Self-Management

  12. And more

Format: FLEX is a group training program designed for in-person, virtual, or hybrid delivery at the client’s site. Classes can occur as part of a one—to two-day training event or as a series of courses over several months for greater skill-building practice between sessions.

Pricing: For pricing information and to explore customized packages, please reach out. Let's discuss how the FLEX program can meet your organization's needs, budget, and team size.

ELM – Executive Leadership Mastery

Executive Leadership Mastery Program: Unlocking Executive Potential, Achieving Organizational Success

Program Overview: Elevate your team’s executive leadership with meticulously designed group programs and workshops tailored for executives and leadership teams. Delve into advanced topics covering organizational drivers and cultural enablers, providing invaluable insights for executive success.

Format: The sessions are custom-made to seamlessly integrate into executive retreats or to stand alone as dedicated development programs.

Executive Topics Include:

  • Vision, Mission, and Cultural Alignment

  • Strategic Planning and Long-term Goal Setting

  • Operating as a High-Performing Executive Team

  • Leading Change and Driving Innovation

  • Executive Communication Strategies

  • Employee Engagement and Retention Strategies

  • Succession Planning and Talent Management

  • Aligning and Motivating Teams for Strategic Success

  • Organizational Structure Optimization or Reorganization

  • Mentorship and Coaching for Leadership Development

  • Unconscious Bias and Inclusive Leadership

  • Mindfulness and Conscious Leadership

  • Leaving a Legacy of Leadership Excellence

  • And more.

Optional Add-Ons - The group programs can also include:

  • Leadership Reports: Individual leadership profile reports with group or private feedback sessions.

  • Private Executive Coaching (Virtual): Provide executives with one or more private coaching sessions to accelerate their leadership development.

Pricing: For details regarding pricing on tailored packages, please reach out. Let's discuss how the ELM program can support your executives' needs and align with your training budget.

Have questions, or are you ready to get started?

If you have a team with specific training needs, let’s see if a customized workshop can help. We’ll schedule a time to discuss your requirements. I will share more about workshop topics and formats that might fit your team and answer your questions. Please get in touch to schedule our time together.